A built-in representation for efficient string manipulation. When it comes to strings, there are three concepts worth knowing about:
- Code units: represents the smallest primitive value of a string. In Gren, code units are represented by a 16-bit value. This is enough to store the most common characters in western languages (Latin, Greek, Cyrilic), but not all unicode characters.
- Code points: represents a unicode character. Code points can be represented by one unit, or a pair of units.
- Graphemes: represents a single visual glyph, like certain emojis or characters with accents.
Unless otherwise noted, all functions in this module deal with code points.
A String
is a chunk of text. String
literals are enclosed in "double quotes"
"How are you?"
-- strings with escape characters
"🙈🙉🙊" -- "🙈🙉🙊"
-- multiline strings
"""Triple double quotes let you
create "multiline strings" which
can have unescaped quotes and newlines.
A String
can represent any sequence of unicode characters. You can use
the unicode escapes from \u{0000}
to \u{10FFFF}
to represent characters
by their code point. You can also include the unicode characters directly.
Using the escapes can be better if you need one of the many whitespace
characters with different widths.
Note: JavaScript lets you use double quotes and single quotes interchangably.
This is not true in Gren. You must use double quotes for a String
, and you must
use single quotes for a Char
Determine if a string is empty.
isEmpty "" == True
isEmpty "the world" == False
Count the number of characters in a string.
count "innumerable" == 11
count "" == 0
Reverse a string.
reverse "stressed" == "desserts"
Repeat a string n times.
repeat 3 "ha" == "hahaha"
Replace all occurrences of some substring.
replace "." "-" "Json.Decode.succeed" == "Json-Decode-succeed"
replace "," "/" "a,b,c,d,e" == "a/b/c/d/e"
Note: If you need more advanced replacements, check out the
package or String.Regex
Building and Splitting
Combine two strings. You can also use the (++)
to do this.
prepend "butter" "fly" == "butterfly"
Append one string onto another. This is the same operation as prepend, but with the arguments reversed.
append "butter" "fly" == "flybutter"
Split a string using a given separator. If the seperator doesn't appear, you will get an array containing the original string.
split "," "" == [""]
split "," "cat" == ["cat"]
split "," "cat,dog,cow" == [ "cat", "dog", "cow" ]
split "/" "home/evan/Desktop/" == [ "home", "evan", "Desktop", "" ]
Put many strings together with a given separator.
join "a" [ "H", "w", "ii", "n" ] == "Hawaiian"
join " " [ "cat", "dog", "cow" ] == "cat dog cow"
join "/" [ "home", "evan", "Desktop" ] == "home/evan/Desktop"
Break a string into words, splitting on chunks of whitespace.
words "How are \t you? \n Good?" == [ "How", "are", "you?", "Good?" ]
Break a string into lines, splitting on newlines.
lines "How are you?\nGood?" == [ "How are you?", "Good?" ]
Get Substrings
Take a substring given a start and end index. Negative indexes are taken starting from the end of the array.
slice 7 9 "snakes on a plane!" == "on"
slice 0 6 "snakes on a plane!" == "snakes"
slice 0 -7 "snakes on a plane!" == "snakes on a"
slice -6 -1 "snakes on a plane!" == "plane"
Make a new string using the first n characters. If n is larger than the length of the string, then the string is returned as is.
takeFirst 2 "Mulder" == "Mu"
takeFirst 8 "Mulder" == "Mulder"
Make a new string using the last n characters. If n is larger than the length of the string, then the string is returned as is.
takeLast 2 "Scully" == "ly"
takeLast 8 "Scully" == "Scully"
Drop the first n characters.
dropFirst 2 "The Lone Gunmen" == "e Lone Gunmen"
Drop the last n characters.
dropLast 2 "Cigarette Smoking Man" == "Cigarette Smoking M"
Check for Substrings
See if the second string contains the first one.
contains "the" "theory" == True
contains "hat" "theory" == False
contains "THE" "theory" == False
See if the second string starts with the first one.
startsWith "the" "theory" == True
startsWith "ory" "theory" == False
See if the second string ends with the first one.
endsWith "the" "theory" == False
endsWith "ory" "theory" == True
Find the index of the first string within the second one, if it's there.
indexOf "the" "theory" == Just 0
indexOf "ory" "theory" == Just 3
indexOf "a" "theory" == Nothing
Find the last index of the first string within the second one, if it's there.
lastIndexOf "abra" "abracadabra" == Just 7
lastIndexOf "barb" "abracadabra" == Nothing
Get all of the indices for a substring in another string.
indexes "i" "Mississippi" == [ 1, 4, 7, 10 ]
indexes "ss" "Mississippi" == [ 2, 5 ]
indexes "needle" "haystack" == []
Int Conversions
Try to convert a string into an int, failing on improperly formatted strings.
String.toInt "123" == Just 123
String.toInt "-42" == Just -42
String.toInt "3.1" == Nothing
String.toInt "31a" == Nothing
If you are extracting a number from some raw user input, you will typically
want to use Maybe.withDefault
to handle bad data:
Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt "42") == 42
Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt "ab") == 0
Convert an Int
to a String
String.fromInt 123 == "123"
String.fromInt -42 == "-42"
Check out Debug.toString
to convert any value to a string
for debugging purposes.
Float Conversions
Try to convert a string into a float, failing on improperly formatted strings.
String.toFloat "123" == Just 123.0
String.toFloat "-42" == Just -42.0
String.toFloat "3.1" == Just 3.1
String.toFloat "31a" == Nothing
If you are extracting a number from some raw user input, you will typically
want to use Maybe.withDefault
to handle bad data:
Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toFloat "42.5") == 42.5
Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toFloat "cats") == 0
Convert a Float
to a String
String.fromFloat 123 == "123"
String.fromFloat -42 == "-42"
String.fromFloat 3.9 == "3.9"
Check out Debug.toString
to convert any value to a string
for debugging purposes.
Char Conversions
Create a string from a given character.
fromChar 'a' == "a"
Add a character to the beginning of a string.
pushFirst 'T' "he truth is out there" == "The truth is out there"
Add a character to the end of a string.
pushLast 'T' "he truth is out there" == "he truth is out thereT"
Split a non-empty string into its first character and its remaining characters. This lets you pattern match on strings exactly as you would with arrays.
popFirst "abc" == Just { first = 'a', rest = "bc" }
popFirst "" == Nothing
Split a non-empty string into its last character and its remaining characters. This lets you pattern match on strings exactly as you would with arrays.
popLast "abc" == Just { first = 'c', rest = "ab" }
popLast "" == Nothing
Array Conversions
Convert a string to an array of characters.
toArray "abc" == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
toArray "🙈🙉🙊" == [ '🙈', '🙉', '🙊' ]
Convert an array of characters into a String.
fromArray [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] == "abc"
fromArray [ '🙈', '🙉', '🙊' ] == "🙈🙉🙊"
Cosmetic operations such as padding with extra characters or trimming whitespace.
Convert a string to all upper case. Useful for case-insensitive comparisons and VIRTUAL YELLING.
toUpper "skinner" == "SKINNER"
Convert a string to all lower case. Useful for case-insensitive comparisons.
toLower "X-FILES" == "x-files"
Pad a string on both sides until it has a given length.
pad 5 ' ' "1" == " 1 "
pad 5 ' ' "11" == " 11 "
pad 5 ' ' "121" == " 121 "
Pad a string on the left until it has a given length.
padLeft 5 '.' "1" == "....1"
padLeft 5 '.' "11" == "...11"
padLeft 5 '.' "121" == "..121"
Pad a string on the right until it has a given length.
padRight 5 '.' "1" == "1...."
padRight 5 '.' "11" == "11..."
padRight 5 '.' "121" == "121.."
Get rid of whitespace on both sides of a string.
trim " hats \n" == "hats"
Get rid of whitespace on the left of a string.
trimLeft " hats \n" == "hats \n"
Get rid of whitespace on the right of a string.
trimRight " hats \n" == " hats"
Higher-Order Functions
Transform every character in a string
(\c ->
if c == '/' then
== "a.b.c"
Keep only the characters that pass the test.
keepIf isDigit "R2-D2" == "22"
Reduce a string from the beginning.
foldl cons "" "time" == "emit"
Reduce a string from the end.
foldr cons "" "time" == "time"
Determine whether any characters pass the test.
any isDigit "90210" == True
any isDigit "R2-D2" == True
any isDigit "heart" == False
any isDigit "" == False
Determine whether all characters pass the test.
all isDigit "90210" == True
all isDigit "R2-D2" == False
all isDigit "heart" == False
all isDigit "" = True
Char Units
Functions that operates on units instead of code points.
Get the number of character units in a string. As strings are, essentially, arrays of character units, this is a constant time operation.
Retrieve the character unit at a given index, or Nothing
if the index is out of bounds.
A negative index uses the end of the string as the starting point.
getUnit 1 "abc" == Just 'a'
getUnit 10 "abc" == Nothing
getUnit -1 "abc" == Just 'c'
Reduce a string from the beginning. The given function will receive character units instead
of a code point, meaning that the provided Char
could possibly represent one half of a full
foldlUnits pushFirst "" "time" == "emit"
Reduce a string from the end. The given function will receive character units instead
of a code point, meaning that the provided Char
could possibly represent one half of a full
foldrUnits pushFirst "" "time" == "time"