
A package for parsing arguments passed from the gren/node package.

Getting started

To get started with this package, it's assumed you've already setup your program with the gren/node package.

Once you have your program running, you can get its arguments from the configuration object passed from the Node.initalize function. You can then parse those arguments using the Args.parse function in this package.

Here's a code example:

Node.Program.await Node.initialize 
    (\configuration ->
            -- Parse the passed arguments with this package
            { args, options } =
                Args.parse configuration.args
        -- Then start your program, doing whatever you'd like with the parsed arguments
        Node.Program.startProgram {}

Arguments vs. options

This package has a clear separation between arguments and options that are passed to a program.


Arguments have the following properties:

  • There is no data associated with arguments.
  • The order of arguments may influence how the program runs.
  • Certain arguments can be required for a program to run.
  • All arguments must be passed to a program before any options are specified.

As an example, parsing the values returned from running Args.parse after running the following command: program-name make would have the following result:

{ args = [ "make" ]
, options = Dict.empty


Options have the following properties:

  • An option can (but is not required to) have data associated with it. An option without data is often called a flag.
  • The order of options does not matter to how a program runs
  • Options are never required to run a program.
  • All options must be passed after arguments have been specified.

As an example, running program-name compile --input ./src/* -o ./dist.json would have the following result:

{ args = [ "compile" ]
, options = 
        |> Dict.set "input" { optionType = Args.LongOption, values = [ "./src/*" ] }
        |> Dict.set "o" { optionType = Args.ShortOption, values = [ "./dist.json" ] }
Parsing multiple values

This package will assume that any non-option value (not prefixed with a --) that comes after a option has been specified is a value associated with the latest option parsed.

For example, parsing program-name test --files a b c would result in the following:

{ args = [ "test" ]
, options = 
        |> Dict.set "files" { optionType = Args.LongOption, values = [ "a", "b", "c" ] }

If you want a specific option to only accept a single value (or no values), you can check for the length of the resulting Array associated with a option with a case statement.

Shortcut options

This package captures and returns the difference between - character or -- when prefixing options and returns it as part the captured option.

It's a convention that options prefixed with the - character are single-character shortcuts (like using -o in the above example instead of --output), but this package does not enforce this behavior. Keep this in mind when desgning your program - you may want to check for both the full option name (--output) and its shortcut (-o).

Parsing options with =

This packages handles options with a = in them. An option of --name=John will parse into { key = "name", value = [ "John" ] }.

This also works when multiple values are passed. For example, a option of --names=John Joan will parse into { key = "names", value = [ "John", "Joan" ] }.


As an example, let's make a program that's capable of parsing arguments like the Gren compiler does. We'll handle the following cases:

  1. When the gren command is run without any arguments or options, display a welcome message.
  2. When gren init is run, we want to run a function that makes a new Gren program.
  3. When any command is run with the --help option (without any values), we want to show some helpful messages associated with it.

This functionality can be built with a single case statement.

parseArguments args =
        { args, options } =
            -- Note that the first two arguments in the paassed args are dropped given that
            -- they are the node path and script path. You can also keep them and pattern
            -- match on them if you need that information for your program!
            Args.parse (Array.dropFirst 2 args)
    case { args = args, help = Dict.get "help" options } of
        { args = [], help = Nothing } ->
            -- This is the result of `gren` being run without the help option
        { args = [ "init" ], help = Nothing } ->
            -- This is the result of `gren init` being run

        { args = [ parsedArg ], help = Just { optionType = _, values = [] }} ->
            -- This is the result of passing any single argument to `gren` and including
            -- the `--help` options. For example, `gren init --help` or `gren make --help`
            -- would both trigger this branch. In this case, you might want to display
            -- a specific help message for the parsed argument!
            displayHelp parsedArg

        { args = _, help = Just _ } ->
            -- This is the result of associatng any data with the `--help` option. regardless
            -- of the arguments passed. For example, `gren --help now` would trigger this branch.
            -- We might want to remind the user that the `--help` option does not require any 
            -- values passed to it!

        { args = parsedArgs, help = _ } ->
            -- Finally, a catch-all when the parsed arguments cannot be handled. You can
            -- display an error message to the user when this happens!
            displayUnknownArguments parsedArgs

As I hope you can see from the example, this package allows accept complex arguments and options for your program and, with a single case statement, map out how your program responds to those arguments.