A HTML package for Gren.
🐉 I haven't properly tested this package yet, so there be dragons.
import Transmutable.Html exposing (Html, html, head, title, body, main_, h1, text)
import Transmutable.Html.Attributes as A (Attribute)
someHtml =
[ A.lang "en" ]
[ head
[ title
[ text "HTML document" ]
, body
[ main_
[ h1
[ text "👋" ]
string =
Html.toString someHtml
You can also convert this HTML to VirtualDom
using this package.
I've used this for my tokono.ma website, which is a "hybrid" Gren app (both static and dynamic). This package is used there to write static HTML files and render the same HTML templates using Gren's VirtualDom
module from the browser package.
Thanks to
This project is based on elm-html-string.