Gren Browser Test Runner
This package allows you to execute Gren tests and output the results in the browser.
See gren-lang/test-runner-node
if you want to run your tests on node.
To define the actual tests, you'll need to use the gren-lang/test
Quick start
Initialize a gren program:
mkdir tests
cd tests
gren init
Install the necessary packages:
gren package install gren-lang/test
gren package install gren-lang/test-runner-browser
Create a src/Main.gren
with your tests:
module Main exposing (main)
import Expect
import Test exposing (describe, test)
import Test.Runner.Browser exposing (Program, run)
main : Program
main =
run <|
describe "All tests"
[ test "Failing test" <| \_ ->
Expect.equal True False
Compile and open the resulting HTML file in your browser:
gren make src/Main.gren
open index
If you have any questions, please reach out!