Library for turning Gren values into Json values.
encode :
Int -> Value -> String
Convert a Value
into a prettified string. The first argument specifies
the amount of indentation in the resulting string.
import Json.Encode as Encode
tom : Encode.Value
tom =
[ { key = "name", value = Encode.string "Tom" }
, { key = "age", value = Encode.int 42 )
compact =
Encode.encode 0 tom
-- {"name":"Tom","age":42}
readable =
Encode.encode 4 tom
-- {
-- "name": "Tom",
-- "age": 42
-- }
type Value
Represents a JavaScript value.
string :
String -> Value
Turn a String
into a JSON string.
import Json.Encode exposing (encode, string)
-- encode 0 (string "") == "\"\""
-- encode 0 (string "abc") == "\"abc\""
-- encode 0 (string "hello") == "\"hello\""
int :
Int -> Value
Turn an Int
into a JSON number.
import Json.Encode exposing (encode, int)
-- encode 0 (int 42) == "42"
-- encode 0 (int -7) == "-7"
-- encode 0 (int 0) == "0"
float :
Float -> Value
Turn a Float
into a JSON number.
import Json.Encode exposing (encode, float)
-- encode 0 (float 3.14) == "3.14"
-- encode 0 (float 1.618) == "1.618"
-- encode 0 (float -42) == "-42"
-- encode 0 (float NaN) == "null"
-- encode 0 (float Infinity) == "null"
Note: Floating point numbers are defined in the IEEE 754 standard
which is hardcoded into almost all CPUs. This standard allows Infinity
. The JSON spec does not include these values, so we encode them
both as null
bool :
Bool -> Value
Turn a Bool
into a JSON boolean.
import Json.Encode exposing (bool, encode)
-- encode 0 (bool True) == "true"
-- encode 0 (bool False) == "false"
null :
Create a JSON null
import Json.Encode exposing (encode, null)
-- encode 0 null == "null"
array :
(a -> Value) -> Array a -> Value
Turn a Array
into a JSON array.
import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (array, bool, encode, int, string)
-- encode 0 (array int [1,3,4]) == "[1,3,4]"
-- encode 0 (array bool [True,False]) == "[true,false]"
-- encode 0 (array string ["a","b"]) == """["a","b"]"""
set :
(a -> Value) -> Set a -> Value
Turn an Set
into a JSON array.
object :
Array { key : String, value : Value } -> Value
Create a JSON object.
import Json.Encode as Encode
tom : Encode.Value
tom =
[ { key = "name", value = Encode.string "Tom" }
, { key = "age", value = Encode.int 42 }
-- Encode.encode 0 tom == """{"name":"Tom","age":42}"""
dict :
(k -> String) -> (v -> Value) -> Dict k v -> Value
Turn a Dict
into a JSON object.
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Encode as Encode
people : Dict String Int
people =
Dict.fromArray [ { key = "Tom", value = 42 }, { key = "Sue", value = 38 } ]
-- Encode.encode 0 (Encode.dict identity Encode.int people)
-- == """{"Tom":42,"Sue":38}"""