

type File

Represents an uploaded file. From there you can read the content, check the metadata, send it over gren/http, etc.

decoder : Decoder File

Decode File values. For example, if you want to create a drag-and-drop file uploader, you can listen for drop events with a decoder like this:

import File
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, list)

files : Decode.Decoder (List File)
files =
  field "dataTransfer" (field "files" (list File.decoder))

Once you have the files, you can use functions like File.toString to process the content. Or you can send the file along to someone else with the gren/http package.

Extract Content

toString : File -> Task x String

Extract the content of a File as a String. So if you have a file you could read the content like this:

import File exposing (File)
import Task

type Msg
  = MarkdownLoaded String

read : File -> Cmd Msg
read file =
  Task.perform MarkdownLoaded (File.toString file)

Reading the content is asynchronous because browsers want to avoid allocating the file content into memory if possible. (E.g. if you are just sending files along to a server with gren/http there is no point having their content in memory!)

toBytes : File -> Task x Bytes

Extract the content of a File as Bytes. So if you have an file you could read the content like this:

import Bytes exposing (Bytes)
import File exposing (File)
import Task

type Msg
  = ZipLoaded Bytes

read : File -> Cmd Msg
read file =
  Task.perform ZipLoaded (File.toBytes file)

From here you can use the gren/bytes package to work with the bytes and turn them into whatever you want.

toUrl : File -> Task x String

The File.toUrl function will convert files into URLs like this:

  • data:*/*;base64,V2hvIGF0ZSBhbGwgdGhlIHBpZT8=
  • data:*/*;base64,SXQgd2FzIG1lLCBXaWxleQ==
  • data:*/*;base64,SGUgYXRlIGFsbCB0aGUgcGllcywgYm95IQ==

This is using a Base64 encoding to turn arbitrary binary data into ASCII characters that safely fit in strings.

This is primarily useful when you want to show images that were just uploaded because an <img> tag expects its src attribute to be a URL. So if you have a website for selling furniture, using File.toUrl could make it easier to create a screen to preview and reorder images. This way people can make sure their old table looks great!

Read Metadata

name : File -> String

Get the name of a file.

name file1 == ""
name file2 == "math.gif"
name file3 == ""
mime : File -> String

Get the MIME type of a file.

mime file1 == "text/markdown"
mime file2 == "image/gif"
mime file3 == "application/zip"
size : File -> Int

Get the size of the file in bytes.

size file1 == 395
size file2 == 65813
size file3 == 81481
lastModified : File -> Posix

Get the time the file was last modified.

lastModified file1 -- 1536872423
lastModified file2 -- 860581394
lastModified file3 -- 1340375405

Learn more about how time is represented by reading through the gren/time package!