Gren TUI
Build terminal user interfaces and games using The Elm Architecture (Model/View/Update)
Track state in your model, listen for user input to update that state, and render your UI as a string representation of the current state. gren-tui will handle re-drawing only the lines you've output when your model changes.
Uses the purely functional, very pleasant gren programming language.
module Main exposing (main)
import Init
import Node
import Task
import Time
import Tui
main : Tui.Program Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, onInput = GotInput
type alias Model =
{ ticks : Int }
init : Node.Environment -> Init.Task { model : Model, command : Cmd Msg }
init env =
{ model = { ticks = 0 }
, command = Cmd.none
type Msg
= Tick Time.Posix
| GotInput Tui.Input
update : Msg -> Model -> { model : Model, command : Cmd Msg }
update msg model =
case msg of
Tick _ ->
{ model = { model | ticks = model.ticks + 1 }
, command = Cmd.none
GotInput input ->
{ model = model
, command =
case input of
Tui.KeyChar "q" -> Task.execute Node.exit
_ -> Cmd.none
view : Model -> String
view model =
String.join ""
[ "How high can I count? Let's see: "
, String.fromInt model.ticks
, "\nPress q to quit."
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Time.every 1000 Tick
If you haven't already, install gren and create a gren node application:
mkdir myapp
cd myapp
gren init --platform=node
Install the gren-tui
gren package install blaix/gren-tui
Then create a src/Main.gren
file like the one above,
or see the examples/
and api docs for help creating your own.
Then compile and run with:
gren make src/Main.gren
node app