Gren Effectful Test Runner

Run Gren integration tests that depend on the actual results of tasks.

See the full API on the package site.


module Main exposing (main)

import Task
import Test exposing (describe, test)
import Expect
import Test.Runner.Effectful exposing (Program, await, run)
import Time

main : Program
main = run
    [ await "test that depends on result of a task" <| \now ->
        describe "nest a full test suite if you want"
            [ test "test that fails" <| \_ ->
                Expect.equal (Time.millisToPosix 0) now

    , await ( "oops") "task that fails" <| \_ ->
        test "the suite will fail and this test will never run" <| \_ ->
            Expect.equal True True

Quick Start

Create a directory for your tests and initialize a gren program targeting node:

mkdir tests
cd tests
gren init --platform=node

Install the necessary packages:

gren package install gren-lang/test
gren package install blaix/gren-effectful-tests-node

Create a src/Main.gren with your tests. See the example above or the example in the repo.

Then compile and run your tests:

gren make src/Main.gren
node app


Found a problem? Need some help? You can open an issue, find me on mastodon, or on the Gren Discord.